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What to Know Before Selling Your Pacific Palisades Home

What to Know Before Selling Your Pacific Palisades Home

  • Claire O'Connor

Selling your home is a feat of multitasking. Before listing your property on the market, you’ll need to declutter, tackle repairs, improve curb appeal, and decide the right price to list
your home to draw ideal buyers.

If that sounds overwhelming, don’t worry — we’re here to walk you through everything you need to know before selling your Pacific Palisades home. From understanding the local market to working with an agent you trust, following these ten steps will ensure a smooth selling process.

It’s a seller’s market

Once you’ve decided that it’s time to sell your Pacific Palisades luxury real estate, you’ll want to start researching the local market. 2022 is a great year to list, as it has been a seller’s market.

Demand has exceeded supply, making it common for homes to sell faster and bidding wars to start between buyers to secure a property. Low housing inventory has led to Pacific Palisades homes selling well over the asking price, from luxury houses to condos.

Sell when the time is right

Property markets ebb and flow with the seasons, which means that certain times of the year mean better selling conditions for your home. Historically, the prime time to list your home is the beginning of May.

In California, spring and summer are the busiest months in the real estate industry, whereas the winter months are the slowest. The National Association of Realtors found that real estate prices tend to experience the largest gains in summer. Pleasant weather during the warmer months means that more buyers will show up for open houses. It’s also worth noting that homes sold during the spring and summer sell faster and often for prices above the asking price.

Say farewell to clutter

Potential buyers will be touring every aspect of your home during showings. To prepare for that, you and your luxury Pacific Palisades real estate agent will want to declutter your home to highlight its best features and provide a clean slate in which would-be buyers can imagine their lives.

A cluttered home can distract buyers from seeing your space for what it is and make your home less attractive. Decluttering will help increase the value of your home — research by Consumer Reports found that you can expect a 3-5% value increase when you give prospective buyers the experience of a neat, decluttered home.

While clearing out your home may seem like a daunting task, there are many ways to streamline the process. Start by addressing one room at a time and breaking your time down into manageable chunks. Try setting aside one to two hours a day that you can dedicate to decluttering. Then it’s time to donate, gift, upcycle or discard unused and unwanted items. If you’re enjoying your tidy space, just imagine how much buyers will appreciate your hard work as well!

Clean your home until it sparkles

With clutter reduced and spring in full swing, there’s no better time to deep clearn your Pacific Palisades real estate, which includes everything from removing dust bunnies to washing windows and cleaning vents and tubs. And don’t forget about the garage!

To save time, you might want to hire a professional cleaning service to get your home looking its best. If you have pets, removing any lingering pet-related odors and stains will help win over buyers. Luckily, professional cleaning companies have all the tricks of the trade to reach your goal of a sparkly clean home.

Take the photos off the walls

Selling your Pacific Palisades real estate means emotionally letting go of it. On the other side of the sale, buyers will want to be able to imagine their families and new lives in your property. Understandably, this can be significantly more difficult when your family photos are on the wall.

Depersonalizing your space by removing photos from the walls and other personal artifacts will help pave the way for buyers to envision themselves in your home. Preparing your home for its new owners gives prospective buyers the message that your property is ready to sell which will encourage them to make an offer.

Make a list of repairs

It’s time to roll up your sleeves and tackle those pesky repairs you’ve been putting off. Remember, you don’t want anything that will deter potential homebuyers from making the best offers on your home. At the same time, sellers want to avoid investing large amounts of money on repairs that don’t yield a valuable return on investment.

You can conduct a walk-through of the interior and exterior of your home and note anything in need of repair. This is also where your experienced Pacific Palisades real estate agent can provide sound advice on which upgrades are worth your while and which aren’t.

Improve your home’s curb appeal

For better or worse, potential homebuyers will judge a book by its cover. That’s why it’s essential to make a positive first impression when people come to view your home.

Landscaping is perhaps one of the most important ways to boost your home’s curb appeal. Research from the National Association of Realtors found that houses with high curb appeal sell for an average of 7% more than similar houses without the same landscaping.

Increasing the curb appeal of Pacific Palisades homes for sale doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. Instead, you can focus on simple and easy projects that will make your home more attractive. This might include giving the front door a fresh coat of paint, planting colorful flowers, or pressure washing your driveway.

Set your home at a reasonable asking price

First impressions matter, and your house’s market price debut is its first chance to attract a buyer. But setting your home at the right price can be confusing and difficult. If you price your home too high, interested buyers might be turned away. Underpricing your home, however, can leave you shortchanged.

The goal is to increase visibility and attract potential buyers. Your Pacific Palisades realtor will be able to help you accurately assess the value of your home, which is typically accomplished through the use of comparative market analysis.

Don’t do it alone

While it may be tempting to bypass hiring a realtor, you might want to rethink what an experienced local Pacific Palisades realtor can do for you. Selling a home is a complicated and time-consuming process, especially if it’s your first time.

For a smooth transaction, it can mean a world of difference to bring in a professional to walk you through the process from start to finish. Find a Pacific Palisades luxury real estate agent knowledgeable about your specific market and who can help you achieve your desired goals. Your realtor will be able to effectively market your home, negotiate excellent offers, and work tirelessly to ensure that you are getting the best return on your Pacific Palisades real estate investment.

Be prepared for your emotions

There’s no question that selling your home can bring an onslaught of emotions. As the saying goes, home is where the heart is. You’ll most likely feel excitement over your next adventure while simultaneously feeling sadness from leaving a home you’ve loved for years.

Although it may be difficult, try to allow yourself to feel what you need to feel while focusing on selling your Pacific Palisades home as a business transaction where you are a salesperson rather than the owner. This will help you create distance from the emotional aspects of selling your home.

Whether you’re moving to Pacific Palisades or looking to buy and sell Santa Monica real estate, experienced luxury real estate agent Claire O’Connor is there to help guide you through every step of the process.

If you’re searching for a relaxing short-term rental or lavish new forever home, Claire is ready to help make your real estate dream a reality. With years of experience in the Pacific Palisades real estate market and extensive knowledge of Santa Monica houses for sale, Claire can help you find a place that truly feels like home.

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